A live answering service is a commercial service that answers telephone calls for its clients. As opposed to automated answering services, a live answering service directs callers to actual people. These people can take messages, make appointments and much more for your social work business or other type of organization. There are many benefits to having a live answering service, especially for small businesses. If you own a small business and are interested in learning more about this type of calling assistance, keep reading below for a look at its top 5 benefits.
Increased Efficiency
The first major benefit of a live answering service is the increased efficiency it provides for your business. Running a small business, you have a lot of jobs to do. This includes dealing with customers. However, a live answering service can take some of the weight off of your shoulders by handling the simple customer calls and questions that eat away at your time. Of course, this can also help a medical office that is understaffed. If you want to give yourself more time to get things done, consider hiring a live answering service.
After Hours Calls
As a small business, it can be difficult to accommodate the needs of your customers 24/7. Live answering services can help with this by answering after hours calls. They can continue to take messages and answer questions long after you have gone home. This helps to keep everyone informed, rather than playing phone tag. Additionally, live answering services can schedule appointments which will help keep you from losing a customer.
Lower Expenses
Live answering services are a great way to lower costs. Although larger firms and companies can afford to hire full time receptionists, many smaller companies cannot afford the additional overhead. If you need someone to be readily available at all times for a low cost with easy credit card payments, a live answering service is for you. This allows you to receive all of the benefits of a full time employee and then some, without the excessive cost.
The professionalism is a another great benefit to adding this service. Potential clients and customers will get a bad impression if you are missing calls or letting them go to voicemail too frequently. A trained and courteous call assistant will give customers the impression that your organization is ready to please. This will improve results of your phone calls ratio analysis. The best way to establish your small business as a professional company is through a live answering service.
Specialized Service
Finally, another big benefit of a live answering service is the specialized services they have to offer. Depending on your needs, you can request call assistants who are trained in up-selling, catalogue orders and a variety of other fields and services. Thus, if you want to hire someone that can handle more specific aspects of your senior care business, or any other industry, consider going with a live answering service.
Top Answering Services
If you are looking for the best answering services to receive the benefits mentioned above, there are a certain few you should look at first. AnswerConnect, AnswerAmerica and Xact Telesolutions are some of the best live telephone answering services available for business. These live answering services offer some of the best customer service and support around. They also have short activation time windows, meaning they get to work faster. If you need a live answering service for your business, consider the three mentioned here for the best results.
Live answering services are an excellent way for small businesses to grow and improve their reputation, whether you use them for recruitment online or appointment setting. The key to professional service is answering your calls all of the time. If you want your customer calls to be handled courteously, even after hours, then you need a live answering service.
Image from http://aqualityansweringservice.com/blog.html