5 Marketing Tactics To Increase Conversions And Profit

The goal of digital marketing is to produce conversions. A conversion happens when a potential customer, or lead, chooses to buy something they saw marketing for. Since not all leads will become customers, the conversion rate is an important metric to determine how effective a marketing campaign is. As the marketing head of an internet company, you may be under a lot of pressure to produce more conversions. The following marketing tactics will help you increase conversions in your online marketing.

Build Social Media Presence

You can increase conversions by supplementing your marketing with a strong social media presence. Social media is an effective way to personalize digital marketing. Many leads go to various social media platforms to find information and objective opinions on various brands. You can provide them with that information, as well as a look at how you do business and treat customers. This transparency and openness will encourage trust between you and the leads. If they trust you, your leads are more likely to convert to customers.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing is a great tactic to increase conversions through webpage design. In an A/B test, you create two versions of your webpage. During the test half of your leads will be funneled to the A site and half to the B site. You can then determine which group had more conversions and switch to that site. This process lets you test everything from refined language to new layouts ad graphics. As a result, you can use careful testing to maximize your conversion rate with ease.

High Website Speed

One of the easiest ways to get more conversions is to speed up your website’s loading speed. After all, web design for marketing is essential for success. With that in mind, understand that leads have very short attention spans. A long load time is often enough to dissuade them. Every second of delay as your website downloads lowers your conversion rate by about 7%. At that rate of lose, it does not take many seconds delay to undercut your conversion rate. If you optimize your download speed your leads will not have time to get bored, and your conversion will increase.

Compelling Calls To Action

Leads will convert if given a compelling call to action. The call to action is the part of your marketing that asks the lead to make a tangible display of interest. This act could be to click a link to your website, or join a mailing list, or subscribe to a social media channel. Whatever the act, it will bring the lead closer to your company’s sites. This process funnels them toward conversion. These calls to action need to be unique for every piece of marketing you release. If the leads want to respond to the call to action, they are likely to convert. Therefore, as you design calls to action, make them new and compelling for your leads.

Create A Sense Of Urgency

Leads are more likely to convert if they think they have a limited time to do so. You can structure your marketing to create a sense of urgency. For example, you can send leads an ad featuring a limited time deal. They can convert now and save a lot of money. Combine a sense of urgency with social influencing for a brilliant digital marketing strategy. These types of “accelerators” have to be used wisely, though. Leads will think you are manipulating them if you use this urgency too blatantly. However, if you use them at just the right time, they can increase your conversion rate.

A few straightforward marketing tactics can increase your lead conversions. You can increase trust in leads with a strong social media presence. Use A/B testing to refine your marketing for conversion. Optimize your website speed to keep leads interested. You can hook leads by writing compelling calls to action. You can evens speed up conversions by creating a sense of urgency in your marketing. With these tactics you can maximize your conversions and profits.

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