When you opened your small business, you may have had a hard time deciding what was a necessity and what fell into the category of an extra expense. If you are a small business owner who did not invest in a point of sale system, consider adding it to your business as soon as possible. A properly utilized point of sale system is an absolute must have for any small business. Here are reasons to upgrade POS terminals in your spa business or other SMB.
Stay On Top Of Inventory
A POS system helps to manage your inventory as sales are being made. By accurately recording what is being sold as well as how many items, you can very clearly see what your income is based around. This help you stay aware when inventory is running low. It will also help you determine what your most and least popular products are. With this knowledge, you can stock appropriately and save money.
More Accurate Reporting
Record keeping is one of the most crucial and most challenging parts of owning a business. If you find that you are in over your head with paperwork, a POS system can be an easy fix. Not only is all your inventory kept track of, but you can also have a breakdown of your accounting. This can come in handy for your accountant. Your business will flourish with up-to-date and organized records, especially if you are looking for bill consolidation services.
Look Up Previous Transactions
Although the goal is to have every client be a satisfied customer, that is not always possible. A great way to salvage your relationship with an unhappy customer is to solve their problem. Quickly looking up their transaction and resolving any issue will repair a customer’s image of your business. Even for your own purposes, it can be helpful to easily pull up your transaction history. Either way you look at it, this is a business win.
Improved Employee Accountability
Most POS systems allow you to identify which employee performed the transaction. This can be beneficial in many ways, especially if your store offers revolving credit. If you see from your POS that at certain times you have multiple employees being paid but only one is helping customers, it may be time to make some staffing changes. In addition, knowing that a faulty transaction can be traced back to them is likely to encourage your employees do their best work at all times. Improved employee accountability is never a bad thing.
Avoid Unnecessary Errors
Without a POS terminal in place, mistakes are likely to be made. Having employees manually typing in costs and sales can get messy quickly. A small miscommunication can lead to a product being offered for less than cost, hurting your bottom line. Having a POS system with all aspects of your sale programmed makes sure that each transaction is uniform and accurate.
A point of sale system is an addition to your business you are going to wish you had made sooner. Not only will it simplify all business sales processes, but you will be able to see contributing performance factors for your business in a simple format. Having access to all of your transactions and ensuring transactions are uniform will elevate your small business to the next level.
Photo from http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/2955-best-pos-systems.html