5 Ways Toxic Positivity Destroys a Work Environment

Good vibes only. You’ve probably seen this popular phrase plastered all over office walls and coffee mugs. On the surface, you may think that a simple positive quotation isn’t doing any harm. However, this way of thinking can be quite damaging to company culture as it’s considered toxic positivity.

If you aren’t familiar with what toxic positivity is, we’re here to explain it and list 5 ways toxic positivity destroys a work environment. Take a break from scheduling your appointment with The Bunion Cure, and let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it all.

What is Toxic Positivity?

Toxic positivity is the belief that any situation should require a positive mindset, even if the situation is challenging, difficult, or dire. This belief is incredibly harmful to businesses as it downplays the real emotions that people have, which has a negative ripple effect on the work environment.

Invalidates Experiences

Every emotion and feeling should be validated in order for it to be understood and subsequently managed effectively. Toxic positivity invalidates the experiences of others by dismissing anything that wouldn’t be deemed “positive.” Instead of allowing someone to express how they feel, it’s instead telling them they shouldn’t have that emotion and instead stay positive no matter the circumstances they’re facing. This causes an emotionally unsafe space for team members when it comes to the work environment.

Suppresses Issues

Eventually, toxic positivity in the workplace will lead to team members suppressing issues and concerns that they have for fear it will be met with rejection or invalidation. After all, most issues and concerns that come up at work aren’t deemed positive. This causes team members to not bring up issues that could be discussed and resolved, and instead, they’re swept under the rug and later become bigger issues. Workplace conflicts need to be addressed, and toxic positivity makes this impossible.

Stunts Innovation

Innovation requires vulnerability which requires people to trust in sharing their thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately, toxic positivity in the workplace doesn’t create an environment where people feel comfortable being open with what could potentially be incredible and innovative ideas for the company which completely stunts its growth.

Limits Transparency

In order for a work environment to be healthy and sustainable, it requires that people feel comfortable with transparency. But, steer clear of the transparency trap. If there’s toxic positivity at work, you can bet there’s a major lack of transparency and openness. The lack of transparency at the hands of toxic positivity creates unnecessary drama, causes issues to remain dormant and unresolved, and it also creates a high rate of employee turnover.

Lack of Authenticity

Authenticity is paramount to success in business, and toxic positivity makes it impossible for people to feel safe to be their authentic selves. This can directly impact social and professional relationships in the workplace. People experience a wide range of emotions and experiences, and it’s important for them to be able to feel comfortable and confident enough in their work environment to reveal these very human parts of them. Toxic positivity doesn’t make room for complicated or “negative” emotions to be expressed. This results in the absence of authenticity in the work environment.

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