How To Optimize Anti Harassment Training For Employees

Companies need to reevaluate how they conduct anti harassment training for employees frequently. As a human resources manager, you need to learn how to provide businesses with high quality training for their workers. While some old training exercises still work in offices, many are out-dated. Furthermore, different types of harassment occur in different work settings. These types differ based on location and employee characteristics. Prepare yourself for any group by learning the top ways to optimize anti harassment training for employees below.

Customize Training

Firstly, managers who conduct the best anti harassment training courses customize them. As previously stated, companies all over the world deal with different types of workplace harassment. One business could be dealing with a sexual harassment case. Another could have had a racial harassment issue. HR managers need to take location, company type and workers’ traits into consideration before conducting seminars. If you do so, you can customize your training activities to the employees you are working with. In addition to these factors, use the company’s core values and mission to express the multitude of the exercises. Look into the details of employee contracts for further information. Then, you will succeed in providing companies with quality services.

Establish Multiple Reporting Options

Also, establish multiple reporting options to offer effective anti harassment training services. As an HR manager, you understand how difficult it is for some employees to confront authorities about issues involving their co-workers. To take this stress of off employees, work with the company managers to come up with numerous reporting options. This is especially important in the event that an authority figure is the one harassing an employee. In such a case, the employee does not have anyone to go to for assistance. Explain to employees that they have a variety of authority figures to turn to when any type of harassment occurs. To conclude the anti harassment training lesson, teach them how to report issues properly.

Separate Managers From Employees

Another anti harassment training tactic to implement is to separate managers from employees. Some companies prefer to have their managers join employees during anti harassment training. While this does help keep everyone in the office on the same page, it often prevents participants from understanding their separate roles. Train managers on how to eliminate disrespectfulness in the workplace, avoid liability and handle reports. Teach employees how to respect their managers and co-workers. Explain how to deal with harassment if it does occur as well. In order to effectively train employees on anti harassment, separate them from managers.

Use Gamification Tools

The best anti harassment training methods are both educational and fun. Employees retain more information when they learn through engaging activities. Gamification tools provide such engaging activities. Many HR managers use gamification examples for onboarding because they are highly effective. You can also use gamification platforms for both individual and team anti harassment activities. If you sense that employees feel uncomfortable learning about certain types of scenarios in a team setting, place them in front of computer screens. Instruct them to perform certain duties on the gamification system alone. They can move through a map, completing missions that educate them on various harassment topics by themselves. Use gamification tools to effectively conduct anti harassment training.

Provide Various Scenarios

In addition to the above strategies, provide various scenarios to properly conduct anti harassment training for employees. While definitions can be advantageous for some employees, many have a difficult time grasping them. This is especially true when dealing with harassment terms. To properly educate workers, explain different scenarios. Use the techniques you learned at HR conferences to properly address situations. Read off a scenario and then ask employees if they believe it to be harassment or not. Use scenarios that commonly occur in the average workplace. Then, they will be able to recognize them if they experience or witness them in their office. Scenarios pose as great tools for anti harassment training.

Businesses turn to HR professionals for anti harassment training. To provide the best services possible, customize your training techniques based on the company and employees you are working with. Communicate with managers to establish multiple reporting options. Keep managers separate from employees during training. Use gamification tools to increase engagement during activities. Finally, use popular scenarios to assist employees in understanding what harassment truly looks like in the workplace. Implement these strategies to optimize anti harassment training for employees.

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