7 Best Event Management Software Features For Small Business

Event management software is a type of program that allows users to track, analyze and store data that is relevant to the planning of a particular event. This software is often used to help organize conferences, trade exhibitions and even smaller corporate event ideas. Choosing the right event management software can play a large part in its success. If you are interested in learning some tips and tricks regarding what you should look for in this type of software, keep reading below.

Support Team

Before choosing an event planning software, it is important to learn as much as you can about their support team and their benchmark hospitality. Most importantly, you will want to know how available they can be on a daily basis. When planning an event, the last thing you want is for something to go wrong. If you have a problem at 11pm on a Saturday, you will want to know that they are there to help. Find a program that has reliable support so that you can be sure your problems will be addressed in a timely manner.

Lead Intelligence

Lead intelligence features are a must if you want to have the best event planning software possible. These tools help turn even attendee data into engagement statistics that can help you improve follow-up marketing processes. You can use them on social media and even end up launching influencer marketing campaigns. Lead intelligence tools will make use of all the profile, engagement and interest data associated with a particular event. They also make use of data from whatever marketing automation systems you use to provide the best insight possible to gauge attendee needs. These lead intelligence tools are some of the most helpful that a top event management software can provide.

App Integration

App integration is key feature for event management software. Marketing professionals, and event planners are often on the go, unlike your average talent manager. Having an easy way to access information about the event will be extremely helpful. Whether you need to check on the budget during a meeting or find an important email while heading to the venue, app integration makes this all much easier. Find a program that you can connect to your phone with ease so that you always have the information you need on hand.


Customization is important in many aspects of event planning. Particularly, you will want to look for the ability to customize forms on your site. If your events involve registration for a Cuba business, language options are an essential part of your ideal management system. The ability to use templates or change forms for your event needs will be the perfect event management solution for you. Be sure to look out for a customizable program so that you can make everything perfect for your upcoming events.

Automated Workflow

Larger vendor events are often handled by more than one department. Having an automated workflow option available on your event management software available will make the entire system much more functional. Look for a program that allows you to prioritize and delegate tasks. Then, make sure that it includes an option to send automatic update emails to specific parties. This will alert people when they are assigned a task so that everything can get done right on time.


Security is essential to any event planning software. Businesses take extra steps to protect their businesses on multiple fronts and events should be no different. If you currently use mobile shredding companies to meet security standards, you should also use secure event management systems. Phishing scams, hackers and much more can all pose a threat to your perfect event. Find something that provides complete protection from these unwelcome parties. With a secure software program, you will enjoy much less stressful event planning.

Event Marketing Tools

Furthermore, the best event management software solutions offer small businesses event marketing tools. After all, an event cannot truly succeed without proper marketing strategies in place. You need to reach a large number of consumers before the day of your event if you want to guarantee that people will attend. The best solutions provide businesses with marketing tools such as event calendars, integrated mailers and event website builders. If you think corporate event planners are helpful, you will find that these tools are just as beneficial. Find a solution with this feature to achieve a great event outcome.

If you are looking for the perfect event software, take a moment and review these key features above. To choose the best event management software, look for security, customization, affiliate marketing and support. Features such as app integration and automated workflow also make event planning much easier. Follow these tips to locate your perfect program.

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