3 New Rules Of Workplace Learning For Millennials

Change is constant throughout businesses. If you’re in the corporate sector, you’ll have to learn at every stage of your career to be a part of the change. The way people used to learn and grow a decade ago is completely different from what millennials prefer. Learning companies that refuse to adapt to this change will go obsolete. You need to keep up with small business trends and adhere to your millennial employees’ needs.

Why Is Corporate Learning Changing?

Our world has seen a lot of digital advancement in the last decade, and the younger generation has been a part of this change, thus bringing a rapid shift in corporate learning. Some of the prominent factors are:

The millennial learner is keen and demands control. This generation is smart enough to handle complex tasks on its own and wishes to handle its learning experience as well. Thus, a need to develop learning programs that put the user in the driver’s seat has become a necessity.

Most of the information nowadays is just a Google search away. All you need is a media device and an internet connection, and boom. Everything you need is in your hands. Such technological advancements facilitate the need to have a learning process that is more engaging and interactive.

Newer technologies are emerging. This has resulted in a shift of attention from developing already existing methods to learning more modern technologies like the cloud. For learning companies, it will not be easy to adapt to these changes. However, getting to know some below-mentioned rules will make their job a bit easier.

Facilitate Quick Learning

With so much information and data being created every hour, modern adults have to be on top of their game all the time. They need to get access to the latest information quickly. Surely the future is going to be very tough for them. However, there are several learning management systems and various strategies to guide workers.

How can you facilitate quick learning?

  • Break your information into small parts.
  • Put the learners in the driver’s seat and let them choose their own learning path. Design your solution in a way that the learners have to search for the solutions rather than you feeding them.
  • Let workers learn at their own pace.

Offer Choices

The current generation has grown up with the Internet. They expect the best choices for compliance training solutions. They want different choices of learning programs, and to make that choice, they mostly depend upon user reviews, ratings, and the like. This is how the ‘Internet Generation’ works.

Let us look at it with an example, streaming services offer loads of video content for you to watch. So how does the ‘modern adult’ choose what to watch? They will look for recommendations from other people, ratings and reviews from people who have already watched that particular video content, and the like. A streaming service offers all such information easily so that its users can make decisions and buy the video content. Learn what is a millennial to understand why offering choices is so beneficial.

Your learning content should also offer great choices, and the information should be readily accessible.

How to include this in your learning content?

  • Offer choices to the users and let them decide what they want to learn.
  • Include a platform where other users can rate your content.


Modern learners need the freedom to be flexible. They wish to learn whenever they want (even outside office hours). They do not want to be forced to attend a session at a particular time if they don’t want to. Instead, they want learning to be delivered when they need it.

How to be more flexible with your learning content?

  • Go for a mobile-first approach
  • Let your learners choose specific modules rather than the entire course.

As the learning trends are changing, you need to continually evolve with this change so that you remain in the market. These were just a few pointers about the changing rules of workplace learning, but the bottom line is that the control has shifted from the instructor to the learner nowadays.

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